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Plantar Fasciitis

So what is planter fasciitis,? what are the causes?, signs?, what can you do to ease it? how can a reflexology treatment help with the pain? What is Plantar Fasciitis?…

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How Do You Sleep?

How do you sleep? I am sure you are aware that lack of sleep, especially over a period of time has an affect your concentration, mood, emotions and motivation.  There…

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Emotional Wellbeing and Self-Care Strategies

Emotional Wellbeing and Self Care

Do you look after your emotional wellbeing and implement self-care strategies?

I don’t mean just because of the pandemic, but it has been during this past year and a half that has really made me think about my own wellbeing because I needed it! It has been important that I take ‘time for me’ and have physical and emotional wellbeing self-care strategies in place for when life gets tough.  For me getting outside in the fresh air to walk the dog or go for a run helps massively, but I felt I could do more and so during the last year I have been using and learning about the doTERRA essential oils and their physical and emotional benefits .  Using the oils has become part of my daily routine and has helped me stay focused. 


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