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Reflexology Sensations During A Treatment

Reflexology sensations felt during a treatment

What sensations will I feel during a reflexology treatment?

During a treatment you as the client and myself as a reflexologist may feel sensations in certain areas (known as reflexes) on the feet or hands.  You and or I may feel some of these sensations:


You may feel pain, tenderness or sore spots at some reflexes when pressure is applied. These are most likely to be felt by yourself, although I can often feel a tender area, often it is also inflamed.


Is when I find my finger or thumb does not slide through a reflex easily, it feels blocked du to a build up of…………………..


The reflex can feel tight to touch, an example is the trapezius reflex as for most of us we carry a lot of tension here.


It feel like I am squashing small hard crystals under the skin,

What do these sensation’s mean?

These sensations indicate there is an imbalance in the reflex and often reflects how you are feeling physically and/or emotionally.  This may be linked to your past or what you are currently experiencing. Everyone is different!

An imbalance does not necessarily mean there is something seriously wrong with the related body part, but that your flow of energy is ‘stuck’ or reduced impacting your circulation.  Imbalances maybe triggered by physical, emotional, traumatic, or environmental experiences you may have faced or are facing. 

As a reflexologist I will discuss each imbalance with you to try and discover why it has occurred.  This maybe obvious, however, it may take a few sessions to understand the reasons behind the imbalance. Imbalances may change from session-to-session as the reflex may lack the energy it needs to respond or other reflexes need to be re-balanced before others can be unblocked.

The techniques used in reflexology are usually by the fingers, thumbs, knuckles.  The movements stimulate the nerve endings encouraging them to fire and increase the flow of energy to the related body part.  This energy allows the body to begin its own natural healing system to re-balance the body.  As the body and its systems are all connected it is important to work the whole foot therefore the whole body.  Specific reflexes or systems that feel out of balance will be targeted throughout a session.

Other Reflexology Sensations During a Treatment:

You also may feel the following sensations:

Hot or cold

There maybe reflexes that feel hot or cold to me. During a treatment you may feel warmth in the feet or within the body as the energy moves around.


Throughout a treatment I do energy links where I place my fingers gently on 1 or 2 reflexes and hold. Often both you and I can feel a pulsing sensation like a heart beat. When these are too fast or slow this can indicate the reflex needs re-balancing.


While this can happen at anytime, clients often have the tingling sensations in their head when I am working the toes (head/brain reflex). This is usually a very relaxing sensation for a client.


These sensations are like waves of energy or heat moving through your body,. They often start from the legs and move upwards.


Some sensations are just difficult to describe and at first just feel weird!! although a nice weird!!!unable to describe the feeling!

When are these felt?

These sensations tend to be felt when the nerve endings in a reflex have been stimulated and there is a change occurring within the body.  It is not always the associated body part where you will feel this sensation. Sometimes this will be in the feet or other areas within the body. Often the legs or head, but could be anywhere!!

A lot of the time I can feel a change in heat, waves, tingling and pulsing throughout my own body. This tends to be when I carry out the energy link techniques. I use this as a gauge to move on when these sensation’s for me change or calm.

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