Call Nicola: 07889137168

The Digestive System and Our Emotions

How are our emotions and digestive system linked?

Have you ever considered why we say expressions such as:

“I’m worried sick!”

“I have butterflies!”

Or why

You need to go the loo more regularly when you experience fear or nerves!

You may have a stomach-ache when you are worry, overthink or feel frustrated!

The Vegus Nerve

Well, your brain and digestive system send signals to each other via the vegus nerve. The vegus nerve regulates our bodily functions such as, digestion, respiratory rate, and heart rate. Its most important role is to send information to the brain about the condition of our internal organs.  Therefore, it could be said our internal organs help provide the brain with sensory information.   If these internal organs are not working efficiently this can have an impact on the brain and vice versa.


Our gut and brain are also connected by chemicals such as neurotransmitters and hormones. When either of these are out of balance, they can have an effect on our emotions and physical reaction within the gut. While some chemicals are beneficial for the gut, others are harmful. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi, can impact our chemical balance. Those harmful bacteria can prevent the absorption of nutrients therefore impacting the effectiveness of our immune system.

Stress can affect our chemical levels. When we feel stressed and enter a state of ‘flight, fight or freeze’ (our body’s way of coping) we experience an increase in hormones to allow us to deal with the situation.  However, if your body is in a constant state of stress these increase in hormones has a direct impact on the gut to work effectively.  Therefore, leading to you experiencing symptoms such as constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn, bloating, feeling sick, flatulence leading to conditions such as IBS.

What I Have Found:

While there is research which you can read here available on mental health and the digestive system.  I want to share with you what I have found through reflexology treatments with my clients who have been dealing with their anxiety.

Working with children I have found:

  • Many often complain of regular stomach aches.
  • When I ask further questions, these children have had bouts of constipation and/or diarrhoea.
  • They constantly feel worried and overthink things. What they worry about varies from family, school, themselves, pets, friends, what’s going on in the world.  
  • They struggle sleeping at night as they are unable to stop thinking or worrying.

Adults are not too dissimilar to children, they often:

  • Struggle to sleep or wake-up early.
  • Are unable to switch off their brain, worrying or overthinking, or feel they have too much going on.
  • Feel tired and a sense of overwhelm.
  • Have irregular digestive movements.
  • Have irritable bowels – constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, bloating, pain.
  • Headaches or migraines.

Some of this information I am aware from the medical form they complete before starting their treatments, however, some of this I have discovered through identifying imbalances in the feet and asking further questions.

The more people I treat the more how see how closely linked our emptions are to the digestive system. Below is a brief description of the organ and its relation to how we may feel emotionally.  These links have been around for a long time in Traditional Chinese Medicine which you can read more about here.

Body’s Organs and Emotion


Fights against illness and infections and is an important part of our immune system.  Emotionally an imbalanced spleen can reflect overthinking, not being able to switch off as well as feeling frustrated.


Aids digestion by breaking down substances and removing toxins from the body.  Emotionally an imbalanced can reflect feelings of anger or irritability.


Remove waste and excess fluid from the body.  They also help control your blood pressure.  Emotionally an imbalanced kidney can reflect feelings of being scared, fearful or nervous.

Small intestine

Helps to absorb nutrients into the blood stream.  Emotionally an imbalanced can reflect feelings of overwhelm or exhaustion due to too much going on.


Secretes acids and enzymes to breakdown food. Emotionally an imbalanced can reflect feelings of worry or not being able to cope with what is going on.

The most common imbalance that I come across is that in the spleen.  This may feel tender to the client, and/or I may find it feels tight or congested.  When I ask my clients if they struggle to switch off or if they overthink, they answer is generally YES! Especially at bedtime!

I usually follow-up with asking about the regularity of their digestive system.   Again, for many this is often an issue and can fluctuate from too regular too not as often as they would like!  This of course may lead to increasing anxiety or caused by the anxiety, and it becomes a vicious circle!

So How Can You Support Your Emotions & Digestive Organs?

  • at a diet full of whole grains, lean meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables.  Have time after a meal to relax to allow the body to produce the gastric juices to absorb the food, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. For more specific foods you can have a look at this website
  • Take part in regular exercise or physical activity daily for at least 30-minutes.
  • Drink 6- 8 glasses of water each day to enhance the digestive process.
  • Seek medical support to check your vitamin levels including vitamin B, D, C, folic acid as well as the minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and zinc.  For more information click here
  • Regular reflexology or other complementary therapies can really help you relax physically and emotionally.  Certainly, with reflexology by working all the body’s systems in a session the aim is to re-balance the body and mind and stimulate the body’s own natural healing process.  This can be hugely beneficial to help rebalance your hormones, lower anxiety and reduce those physical reactions. To find out more about how reflexology works click here

Digestive System Self-Care

If you or your child are experiencing any of the emotions or physical reactions, I have identified then try this self-care routine.  Ideally daily or at least 3-times a week for the best outcomes.  To access the video click here

Or you can contact Nicola on 07889137168 or email to find out more how reflexology can help you.